If you are trying to convert 1.5 cm to feet you might be asking one of these questions (they are all the same):
- What is 1.5 centimeters to feet?
- What is 1.5 centimeters to ft?
- What is 1.5 cm to ft?
Just a quick reminder about the abbreviations: cm=centimeters and ft=feet.
When you convert 1.5 cm to feet the ANSWER is 0.0492125985.
You can also use this converter to convert any number of centimeters (cm) to feet (ft):
Also here are the most common centimeters (cm) to feet (ft) conversions in this table:
Centimeter (cm) | Foot (ft) | Centimeter (cm) | Foot (ft) |
1 | 0.032808399 | 51 | 1.673228349 |
2 | 0.065616798 | 52 | 1.706036748 |
3 | 0.098425197 | 53 | 1.738845147 |
4 | 0.131233596 | 54 | 1.771653546 |
5 | 0.164041995 | 55 | 1.804461945 |
6 | 0.196850394 | 56 | 1.837270344 |
7 | 0.229658793 | 57 | 1.870078743 |
8 | 0.262467192 | 58 | 1.902887142 |
9 | 0.295275591 | 59 | 1.935695541 |
10 | 0.32808399 | 60 | 1.96850394 |
11 | 0.360892389 | 61 | 2.001312339 |
12 | 0.393700788 | 62 | 2.034120738 |
13 | 0.426509187 | 63 | 2.066929137 |
14 | 0.459317586 | 64 | 2.099737536 |
15 | 0.492125985 | 65 | 2.132545935 |
16 | 0.524934384 | 66 | 2.165354334 |
17 | 0.557742783 | 67 | 2.198162733 |
18 | 0.590551182 | 68 | 2.230971132 |
19 | 0.623359581 | 69 | 2.263779531 |
20 | 0.65616798 | 70 | 2.29658793 |
21 | 0.688976379 | 71 | 2.329396329 |
22 | 0.721784778 | 72 | 2.362204728 |
23 | 0.754593177 | 73 | 2.395013127 |
24 | 0.787401576 | 74 | 2.427821526 |
25 | 0.820209975 | 75 | 2.460629925 |
26 | 0.853018374 | 76 | 2.493438324 |
27 | 0.885826773 | 77 | 2.526246723 |
28 | 0.918635172 | 78 | 2.559055122 |
29 | 0.951443571 | 79 | 2.591863521 |
30 | 0.98425197 | 80 | 2.62467192 |
31 | 1.017060369 | 81 | 2.657480319 |
32 | 1.049868768 | 82 | 2.690288718 |
33 | 1.082677167 | 83 | 2.723097117 |
34 | 1.115485566 | 84 | 2.755905516 |
35 | 1.148293965 | 85 | 2.788713915 |
36 | 1.181102364 | 86 | 2.821522314 |
37 | 1.213910763 | 87 | 2.854330713 |
38 | 1.246719162 | 88 | 2.887139112 |
39 | 1.279527561 | 89 | 2.919947511 |
40 | 1.31233596 | 90 | 2.95275591 |
41 | 1.345144359 | 91 | 2.985564309 |
42 | 1.377952758 | 92 | 3.018372708 |
43 | 1.410761157 | 93 | 3.051181107 |
44 | 1.443569556 | 94 | 3.083989506 |
45 | 1.476377955 | 95 | 3.116797905 |
46 | 1.509186354 | 96 | 3.149606304 |
47 | 1.541994753 | 97 | 3.182414703 |
48 | 1.574803152 | 98 | 3.215223102 |
49 | 1.607611551 | 99 | 3.248031501 |
50 | 1.64041995 | 100 | 3.2808399 |
How to convert 1.5 centimeters (cm) to feet (ft)?
There are two methods you can use to do cm to ft conversion:
1st Method – Multiply by 0.032808399
Since there are 0.032808399 centimeters (cm) to feet (ft) you can multiply the number of centimeters (cm) you are trying to convert by 0.032808399. Therefore, multiply 1.5 by 0.032808399. Here is the formula:
1.5 x 0.032808399 = 0.0492125985
2nd Method – Divide by 30.48
In order to convert centimeters (cm) to feet (ft) you just need to divide the number of centimeters you are trying to convert by 30.48. Here is the formula:
1.5 ÷ 30.48 = 0.0492125985
Why divide by 30.48 because there are 30.48 centimeters in 1 foot.
In case you need to do a reverse conversion from feet (ft) to centimeters (cm) use the converter below:
A centimeter is a unit of length in the International System of Units and the symbol is “cm.” It is the current form of the metric system. It is expressed as 1/100 meters.
As the prefix “centi” indicates centimeter is based on the SI unit meter. It is equivalent to 1/100th of a meter. Metric prefixes, based on a decimal system, range from factors of 10-18 to 1018, with the base having a factor of 1 and no prefix. In order to quickly navigate metric units, learning some of the more commonly used metric prefixes, such as kilo-, mega-, giga-, tera-, centi-, milli-, micro-, and nano-, can be helpful.
Like the meter, the centimeter is used worldwide (in countries that have undergone metrication) in all kinds of applications in cases where a smaller denomination of the meter is needed. Outside of countries like the US, height is typically measured in centimeters.
A foot is a unit of length in the imperial and United States customary systems of measurement and the symbol is “ft.” In 1959, a foot was represented as exactly 0.3048 meters.
The measurement of the foot was used in many different systems including the Greek, Roman, English, French, and Chinese systems, varying in length between each. This was prior to the standardization of units of measurement, and the definition of the foot that is presently in use. The diverse lengths were due to parts of the human body historically being used as the base of units of length (like the hand, cubit, digit, span, etc.) This ended up in the measurement of a foot differing between 250 mm and 335 mm in the past compared to the existing definition of 304.8 mm. The majority of countries used their own version of the foot earlier to metrication, as evidenced by a relatively large list of obsolete feet measurements, while the US is one of the few countries which still broadly uses the foot.
The foot is primarily used in the UK, Canada, and the United States for many daily applications. Feet and inches are commonly used in the United States, to measure shorter distances, height, field length, etc. Feet are also typically used to measure elevation (like that of a mountain) and altitude (aviation).
If you are looking for more information about cm to ft or ft to cm conversion visit ftincm.com